Space Maintainers


Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are dental devices designed to preserve the space left by a prematurely lost or extracted baby (primary) tooth. These devices are typically used in pediatric dentistry to ensure that there is sufficient room for the permanent tooth to erupt correctly. Here's a brief overview of space maintainers:


The primary purpose of space maintainers is to prevent adjacent teeth from drifting into the space created by the missing tooth and thereby preserving the space for the permanent tooth's eruption.

When Are They Needed:

Premature Tooth Loss:

Space maintainers are commonly used when a primary tooth is lost or extracted earlier than its natural shedding time due to dental decay, injury, or other factors.

Delay in Permanent Tooth Eruption:

In some cases, space maintainers are used when there's a delay in the eruption of the permanent tooth, and the primary tooth has been lost.

Types of Space Maintainers:

  • Fixed Space Maintainers: These are cemented or attached to the teeth adjacent to the empty space and are not removable by the patient.
  • Removable Space Maintainers: These can be taken out and placed back in the mouth. They are typically used for older children who can cooperate with their care.


  • Space maintainers can be made of various materials, including stainless steel, plastic, or a combination of both.
  • They are custom-made by a dentist or orthodontist to fit the child's mouth.